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Academician Prof. Dr. Slobodan Perović Founder of the Kopaonik School of Natural Law

Biography and List of Selected Publications


Academician Prof. Dr. Slobodan Perović was full professor of the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade. Principal teaching course of prof. Perović was the Law of Obligations. He was a long-term head of the civil law chair and president of the post-graduate studies course at the Faculty of law, University of Belgrade.

Professor Perović was a member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts since (since 1987), member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Montenegro (since 2000), of  the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Republic of Srpska (since 2004), of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Macedonia (since 2009) and of the Russian Acedemy of Sciences (since 2019). He was a member of International Academy of Comparative Law (Académie internationale de droit comparé) in Paris (since 2006).  

Professor Perović was president of the Court of  State Union of Serbia and Montenegro since its establishment in 2004 and up to 2006.

Academician Prof. Dr. Slobodan Perović was president of the Commission for drafting the Civil Code of Serbia; chairman of Bar exam Commission of the Ministry of Justice of Serbia and long-term member of Legal Council of Yugoslavia.

Professor Perović was founder of the Kopaonik School of Natural Law – Universitas iuris naturalis Copaonici (since 2005 under the auspices of UNESCO).

He was president of Scientific Society of Serbia; president of the Union of Associations of Jurists of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska and former president of the Association of Jurists of Yugoslavia.

Professor Perović was president of the Court of Arbitration at the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia and a long-term arbitrator in international commercial disputes, including institututional and ad hoc arbitrations.

He was visiting professor in numerous schools of law in the region; chief editor of the Commentary of the Law of Obligations (1995, two volumes), of the Encyclopedia of Civil Law (1978, three volumes) and of the journal „Scientific Review“; editor-in-chief of journal „Pravni život“ .

Professor Perović was member of the Association Henri Capitant des Amis de la Culture Juridique Française, as well as of other domestic and international scientific and professional forums.

Awards and recognitions by numerous scientific associations and academies of law.

He has never been a member of any political party.

Academician Prof. Dr. Slobodan Perović was author  of several books, text-books and monographs, scientific studies as well as of considerable number of articles in domestic and foreign reviews in the field of civil law, comparative law and philosophy of law. Many of these published in French, German and English, and some in Spanish, Russian, Polish, Hungarian and Chinese. His scientific opus exerted considerable influence on the development of legal theory and practice and made him an authority in the field of law, both in the country and abroad.

In the field of civil law, especially in the law of obligations, author of many  systematic works, monographs and scientific studies. Most relevant works in the field of law of obligations: Law of Obligations, Belgrade, 1990 (800 pp, seven editions, 50 pp. summary in French and 50 pp. summary in English – reviewed in eminent French periodicals); Formal Contracts in Civil Law, Belgrade, 1964 (150 pp. French summary); General Theory of Contracts, Belgrade, 1968 (300 pp.); Contract Termination due to Change of Circumstances and the Principle of Legal Certainty, Belgrade, 1974 (French, English and Russian summaries); Forbidden Contracts in Civil Law Trade, Belgrade, 1975 (260 pp, French summary); Validity of Contracts in International Trade, Belgrade, 1977 (78 pp.); Les principes et les règles générales de la nouvelle loi Yougoslave sur les Obligations en matière de contrats, Revue Internationale de droit comparé, 1979, no. 4; A jugoszláv kötelmi jog kodifikációjának általános jellegzetességeiröl, Jogtudományi közlöny, Tudományos folyórat mellékletekkel, Budapest 1981, 9 szám; Die Kodifikation des Obligationenrechts in Yugoslawien, Archiv für civilistische Praxis,  Tübingen, 1982, Heft 4; Le rôle des normes non juridiques dans le droit, XI Congrès internationale de droit comparé, Rapports nationaux Yougoslaves, 1982; L’influence de l’ordre public sur la validité des contrats, Université de Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne et l’Université de Belgrade, Paris, 1982 (published also in the review Yugoslav Law, 1982, no. 2); Retroaction of Laws, Theory of Conflict of Laws in Time, Belgrade, 1987 (320 pp.); Contract as an Act of Moral and Legal Civilization,Belgrade, 1993 (140 pp.); Pravne vrednote in podjetnisvo, Podjetje in delo, Dnevi slovenskih pravnikov, Portoroz, 2001; Contract Law in Former Yugoslavia, Deutsche Stiftung für Internationale Rechtliche Zusammenarbeit E. V., Dubrovnik, 2002; Principle of Equality and Synallagmatic Contracts, Belgrade, 2004; Freedom of Contract and Public Policy, University of Zagreb Law School, Liber Amicorum Jaksa Barbic, Zagreb, 2005; Liablity for Breach of Contract, Archives for Legal and Social Sciences, Nos. 1-2, Belgrade, 2008; Introduction Law of Obligations, Belgrade, 2010 (19 editions; also published in Polish in short version – Wstep, Polish Academy of Sciences).

The principal works in the field of philosophy of law: Crisis of Legal System – a study exposed in the Croatian Academy of Sciences and at the University of Ljubljana School of Law, 1987, published in collection of papers Crisis of Legal System, University of Belgrade, 1990;  Legal and Philosophical Discussions, Belgrade, 1995 (540 pp.);  Natural Law and Court, Belgrade, 1996 (130 pp., published also in French in 1997 – Le droit naturel et le juge); Culture of Legality and Natural Law, Belgrade, 1997 (120 pp.); Independence of the Judiciary, Belgrade, 1998 (130 pp, published in English and in French – L’independance du juge); Human Rights and  Independence of the Judiciary, Belgrade, 1998 (210 pp.); The Power of Natural Law, Belgrade, 1998 (105 pp.); The Culture of Natural Law, Belgrade, 2000 (64 pp.); The Eternity of the Hexagon of Natural Law, Belgrade, 2001 (130 pp.);  Declaration of the Kopaonik School of Natural Law, Belgrade, 2002 (a synthesis of author’s contributions within the opus of the Kopaonik School of Natural Law, published in six languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Russian and Chinese); The Cultural Identity and Natural Law, Belgrade, 2004 (130 pp.);  Natural Law and Universal Values, Belgrade, 2005 (116 pp.); Natural Law in Terms of Philosophy and Legal Regulation, Belgrade, 2006 (116 pp.); The Future of Natural Law, Belgrade, 2006 (110 pp.); The Freedom and Natural Law, Belgrade, 2007 (136 pp.); Natural Law and Peaceful Integrations, Belgrade, 2008 (110 pp.); Time Dimensions of Positive and Natural Law, Belgrade, 2009 (505 pp.); Space Dimensions of Positive and Natural Law, Belgrade, 2010 (130 pp.); Natural Law and Responsability, Belgrade, 2011 (160 pp.); Natural Law and Morality, Belgrade, 2012 (168 pp.); Natural Law and Dignity, Belgrade, 2013 (148 pp.); Natural Law and Principle of Good Faith, Belgrade, 2014 (164 pp.); Natural Law and Autonomy of Person, Belgrade, 2015 (140 pp.); Law and Social Imperatives, Belgrade, 2016 (118 pp.); Natural law and Reality, Belgrade, 2017 (164 pp.);  Natural Law and the Order of Reason, Belgrade, 2017 (80 pp.); Speaches from Kopaonik, Belgrade, 2018 (21 editions, 1083 pp.)