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IVANA KRSTIĆ je redovna profesorka na Pravnom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, na kojem predaje Međunarodno pravo ljudskih prava i Međunarodno javno pravo, kao i druge srodne kurseve na Katedri za međunarodno pravo i međunarodne odnose. Diplomirala je na Pravnom fakultetu 1998. godine. Magistarske studije je završila 2003. godine na Pravnom fakultetu Univerziteta Pitsburg (School of Law, University of Pittsburgh) i 2004. godine na Pravnom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu. Doktorske studije je završila takođe na Pravnom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu 2008. godine. Akademsku 2006/07. godinu provela je kao stipendista britanske vlade (Chevening scholarship) na Univerzitetu Oksford (Exeter College, Oxford University).

Njena uža oblast istraživanja jeste antidiskriminaciono pravo, rodna ravnopravnost i izbegličko pravo. Upravnica je Centra za ljudska prava i upravnica Instituta za pravne i društvene nauke Pravnog fakulteta. Izabrana je za Sergio Vieira de Mello koordinatorku za Univerzitet u Beogradu. Ona je i direktorka specijalističkog kursa International Refugee Protection, koju organizuju Pravni fakultet i San Remo Institut za humanitarno pravo, uz podršku kancelarije UNHCR-a u Srbiji. Rukovodi radom Pravne klinike za pitanja diskriminacije i Pravne klinike za antikorupciju, kao i grupom eksperata Pravnog fakulteta koja ima za cilj nadzor nad implementacijom Istanbulske konvencije o sprečavanju i borbi protiv nasilja nad ženama i nasilja u porodici.

Kao jedna od vodećih ekspertkinja u oblasti ljudskih prava, angažovana je na mnogim projektima koje vodi nekoliko međunarodnih organizacija i agencija, kao što su UNHCR, OEBS, UNDP, OHCHR, Savet Evrope, UNICEF. Takođe veoma blisko sarađuje sa Poverenikom za zaštitu ravnopravnosti Srbije, Pravosudnom akademijom i Nacionalnom akademijom za javnu upravu i učestvuje u brojnim obukama za sudije i druge profesionalce. Objavila je više monografija i udžbenika, oko 20 priručnika i više od 60 članaka iz oblasti međunarodnog prava ljudskih prava, međunarodnog izbegličkog prava i međunarodnog javnog prava.

Članica je Evropske mreže prava o ravnopravnosti (EELN) i koizvestilac Državnog izveštaja za Srbiju u Oksfordskom zborniku nacionalnih pravnih odgovora na Covid-19. Takođe je kourednica Springerove serije Rodne perspektive u pravu, (Gender Persoectives in Law) zajedno sa prof. Vujadinović. Učestvuje i u projektu Feminističke presude u centralnoj i istočnoj Evropi. (Feminist judgments in Central and Eastern Europe).

IVANA KRSTIĆ is a full professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, where she teaches International Human Rights Law and International Public Law, as well as other related courses at the Department of International Law and International Relations. She obtained her LLM (2003) at the School of Law, University of Pittsburgh (USA), along with an LLM (2004) and Ph.D. (2008) at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law. In the academic year 2006/2007, she was a Chevening Scholar working on her dissertation at Exeter College, Oxford University.

Her area of research is anti-discrimination law, gender equality and refugee law. She is the director of the Center for Human Rights and the Institute for Legal and Social Sciences of the Faculty of Law. She was appointed Sergio Vieira de Mello Chair Coordinator, the University of Belgrade  She is also a director of the specialist course on International Refugee Protection, delivered by the Faculty of Law and San Remo Institute for Humanitarian Law, with the support of UNHCR Serbia. She coordinates the Legal Clinic for Antidiscrimination Law and Legal Clinic for Anti-Corruption, as well as the group of experts of the Faculty of Law, which aims to supervise the implementation of the Istanbul Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence.

As a leading Serbian expert in the area of human rights, she is engaged in many projects run by several international organizations and agencies, such as UNHCR, OSCE, UNDP, OHCHR, CoE, UNICEF. She collaborates very closely with the Serbian Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, the Judicial Academy, and the National Academy for Public Servants, and participates in many training for judges and other public officials. She has published several monographs and textbooks, around 20 handbooks, and more than 60 articles in the area of international human rights law, international refugee law, and international public law. She is a member of the European Equality Law Network (EELN), and a Co-Rapporteur of the Country Report for Serbia in the Oxford Compendium of National Legal Responses to Covid-19. She is also a co-editor of the Springer series Gender Perspectives in Law, together with prof. Vujadinović. In addition, she participates in the Feminist Judgment project in Central and Eastern Europe.